Wigdor LLP represents JP Morgan financial advisor, Gwendolyn Campbell. Earlier this year, Ms. Campbell filed a Charge of discrimination against the bank with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission.
She posted a statement on Medium (https://medium.com/@gwenmcampbell/jp-morgan-stole-from-me-retaliated-and-is-trying-to-silence-me-and-others-753670e1b428).
Ms. Campbell joined JP Morgan in October 2020 and brought along with her a billion-dollar book of business. However, as described in the Charge, from the first day of her employment Ms. Campbell experienced open misogyny and retaliation for speaking out against discrimination, and senior executives across the firm have made it their mission to steal her clients and destroy her career. According to the Charge, even prior to joining JP Morgan, Ms. Campbell’s soon-to-be manager openly disparaged her by telling her soon-to-be colleagues that he could have hired a male financial advisor, but was told he “had to hire a woman.” This statement is alleged to have robbed Ms. Campbell of credibility and dignity and completely diminished her outstanding 30-year track record before she even walked through the door.
It would only get worse from there. According to the Charge, in just her first week of employment, the CEO of U.S. Wealth Management conceded that male managers who belittled Ms. Campbell were engaged in “mansplaining.” The Charge further alleges that not long thereafter, another CEO, the CEO of JP Morgan Wealth Advisors, acknowledged that certain male traders at JP Morgan subjected Ms. Campbell to conduct that was sexist. Despite these acknowledgments, the Charge alleges that nothing was done to curb the discrimination.
Ms. Campbell’s Charge alleges that she has been berated and yelled at by men in senior leadership positions and that she has been subjected to gender-biased insults such as being told she is “confused” and a “nobody,” and being told to “settle down” and “be nice” when she would not simply accede to the discrimination. Ms. Campbell has been hung up on, excluded from critical client meetings and denied access to information and resources that she needs to service her (and the bank’s) clients, according to the Charge.
Ms. Campbell also alleges blatant efforts to steal her clients and transfer their assets into different divisions of the firm in violation of various written and oral assurances. This is known at JP Morgan as the “Playbook,” whereby financial advisors are brought into the firm only to have their clients raided and efforts to build business thwarted, the Charge alleges. According to the Charge, clients have reported and complained about this conduct both to Ms. Campbell and senior executives, including CEO Jamie Dimon, to no avail. Indeed, the issues described in the Charge continue to the present day despite multiple internal complaints and a recent letter to JP Morgan’s Board of Directors.
“Ms. Campbell’s EEOC filing against JP Morgan describes a complete lack of control and accountability at the Bank when it comes to issues of discrimination, harassment and basic human decency and respect. The fact that the alleged conduct has continued for more than a year-and-a-half without remedy is appalling, and we fully expect the EEOC, the federal agency tasked with investigating these matters, to agree.”
4.29: Bloomberg
4.29: Investment News
5.1: Advisor Hub