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Starbucks Class Action: Lawsuit Alleges Starbucks Exposed Consumers To Toxic Pesticide “DDVP” In Manhattan Coffee Shops

On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, Wigdor LLP filed a putative consumer class action lawsuit against Starbucks Corporation (“Starbucks”) alleging that over the last three years, Starbucks stores throughout Manhattan have been permeated with a toxic pesticide call Dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate or “DDVP”), which is highly poisonous and unfit for use in proximity to food, beverages and people.

DDVP is an active ingredient emitted into the air by products called “No-Pest Strips,” which are only intended to be used in unoccupied structures to rid such structures of vermin, bugs and insects.  The label on these products clearly warns: “Do not use in the food/feed areas of food/feed processing or food/feed manufacturing or food/feed service establishments,” and “Do not use in kitchens, restaurants or areas where food is prepared or served.” As set forth in the Complaint, DDVP No-Test Strips were found throughout Starbucks’ Manhattan locations, where the toxic pesticide came into direct contact with the Company’s customers and contaminated the food and/or beverages that they consumed.  As alleged, these strips were found near food preparation areas, inside pastry display cases and adjacent to air vents (and thereby circulating DDVP through air vents) as pictured below:The Complaint alleges that on numerous occasions over the last several years, Starbucks’ employees and third-party exterminators warned the company’s regional and district managers — both verbally and in writing — about the improper and dangerous use of No-Pest Strips throughout its stores in Manhattan.  However, as alleged, despite being repeatedly made aware of the dangerous risks associated with DDVP exposure, Starbucks continued to use No-Pest Strips in its stores.

Plaintiffs are represented by Wigdor LLP Founding Partner Douglas H. Wigdor, and Partner David E. Gottlieb.

Statement from Douglas H. Wigdor, Founding Partner at Wigdor LLP:

“New Yorkers deserve to know what they are putting in their bodies and we call upon Starbucks to explain, as we allege in the complaint, its failure to take appropriate care for its customers’ well-being.”

Read the Full Complaint Here

1010 WINS Radio
May 21, 2019

New York Daily News
“Manhattan Starbucks use dangerous pesticides to control filthy conditions: lawsuit”
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The Daily Beast
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CBS News
“Starbucks accused of using poisonous pesticide in Manhattan stores”
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Yahoo News
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1010 WINS
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Daily Mail
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NBC News
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New York Post
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Law and Crime
“Starbucks Hit with Class Action Lawsuit Alleging That Customers Were Exposed to ‘Toxic Pesticide’”
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“Putrid NYC Starbucks Stores Tainted With Toxic Pesticide: Lawsuit”
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“Starbucks Stores Exposed NYC Customers to Dangerous Pesticides for 3 Years, Lawsuit Claims”
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